What is suspension?

The BasicsIf we look at it just from the basics, then suspension actually refers to multiple components that when combined together make up the suspension system. This means that it refers to the shock absorbers, linkages, and springs that basically keep the car on the road through the wheels.But there is more to it than […]

What parts does a shock absorber contain?

When it comes to shock absorbers, there are multiple components involved, and each of them can fail. Most repair manuals include a chassis inspection, at which point the mechanic should also check the shock absorbers. If in doubt, ask the mechanic before repairing.Suspension: The basic principle of suspension is to add a spring between the […]

How do shock absorbers work?

Shock absorbers provide a comfortable ride. Without shock absorbers, every stone and every pothole would hit the car hard and hurt you. Every time the car loses grip in a sharp turn, the shock absorbers make sure your vehicle stays grounded and sticks to the road.Shock absorbers make sure the wheels can bounce up and […]

Ways to avoid clutch wear

The clutch is constantly subject to friction, so it’s no surprise that it eventually wears out. You might find that your clutch lasts 10,000 miles before it needs a new one, or you could go 150,000 miles before it fails. Exactly how long your car can go without needing a clutch replacement depends entirely on […]

How to Repair the Clutch

Before you begin replacing the clutch, make sure it is indeed the source of the problem and not something smaller like the pedal arm bushing or slave master cylinder. Park your car on a firm, flat surface.Disconnect the cable at the negative battery terminal.Use a jack to lift the front end of the car off […]

How the car clutch is designed

The clutch is the part of the car that connects two or more rotating shafts. In a manual transmission car, the clutch controls the connection between the engine shaft and the wheel shaft. It is an important part of the working mechanics of the car because the engine is always producing power and there are […]

How Is a Clutch Designed?

In order for your car to come to a stop without the entire engine having to shut off, the connection between the wheels and the motor has to be broken. Your clutch is made up of two main parts: There are springs in place that keep pressure on a plate that pushes up against the […]

Common Clutch Problems

It is possible to get up to 80,000 miles out of your clutch, shares AAMCO, but you’ll need to treat it well for this to happen. Some of the most common clutch problems are: Knowing what your clutch is and how it works can help you realize when your vehicle isn’t running as it should. Avoid […]

What Does the Clutch Do?

Everyone knows that a car has an engine to power it, but not everyone is familiar with a clutch or how it works. This mechanism both engages and disengages your power transmission from the driving shaft to the driven shaft. It connects rotating shafts, and there can be two or more of these under your […]