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Post: Do we have to use original tires when changing tires

Original tires and replacement tires. Original tires are tires that are directly supplied to automobile manufacturers after strict testing according to the vehicle model requirements of automobile manufacturers. Replacement tires are tires of the same specifications but different brands.
In fact, the biggest difference between original tires and replacement tires is that original tires will have logos, such as the “AO” logo on Audi’s original tires. Mercedes-Benz original tires have the “MO” logo. Because tire companies directly supply original tires to automobile manufacturers after strict testing according to the vehicle model requirements of automobile manufacturers, many car owners think of original tires first when changing tires.
However, original tire products are updated and upgraded slowly. Many original tires are basically synchronized with the vehicle model production cycle, and are inferior to replacement tires in product performance iteration.
Replacement tires are faster and more flexible than matching tires in optimization and upgrading, with more iteration varieties, and consumers can also choose more brands.
In fact, there is no so-called original tire, because most car manufacturers do not produce tires, but purchase tires that meet the brand specifications of the vehicle model. Therefore, there is no need to change the tires of the original tire brand. It is also possible to choose tires of other brands according to your needs and financial ability, and the performance of the new tires may be better than the previous ones. But when changing tires, it is best to keep the same brand and model for the whole car. At least make sure that the brand, model and pattern of the two front wheels or the two rear wheels are the same, otherwise it may affect driving.
It is worth noting that many people like to replace tires with larger sizes than the original tires to get better performance and grip. But this requires modification by a professional auto repair shop. Because although only four tires are replaced, there are different changes to the dynamic balance, four-wheel alignment and even suspension and wheels of the vehicle. Therefore, do not change the tire size data privately, which may cause the tire to be unable to be installed on the wheel. Even if it can be installed normally, the increase in fuel consumption cannot be avoided.
Changing the size privately will also cause changes in the circumference of the tire, and the distance traveled by the wheel rotating one circle will also change, but the system cannot detect this change. It still uses the original calculation standard, which will cause the speed display to be wrong and violate traffic rules.



Aaron Almaraz

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