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Post: How to check shock absorbers

Shock absorbers are devices used to reduce vibration and bounce when the vehicle is driving. It is an important part of the automobile suspension system, which directly affects the ride comfort and handling of the vehicle, and even driving safety. Therefore, it is very necessary to check and replace shock absorbers regularly. So, how can you know if your shock absorbers are still good? Is there any simple and effective method? Of course there is!
Method 1: Bounce test
This is the simplest and most intuitive method. You only need to press the car at the front or rear corner of the car and release it quickly. If the car bounces too much, such as more than two or three times before stopping, then it means that the shock absorber is damaged and should be replaced. If the car only bounces slightly once or twice, then it means that the shock absorber is still working well.
This method is easy to operate, but it also has certain limitations. Because different models, different road conditions, and different pressing strengths will affect the number and amplitude of bounces. Therefore, this method can only be used as a rough reference, and it cannot completely determine whether the shock absorber is broken.
Method 2: Detect mileage
This is a more scientific and practical method. Generally speaking, the life of a car shock absorber is about 80,000 kilometers. Therefore, if your car has run more than 80,000 kilometers, it is recommended that you replace the shock absorber. Of course, this also depends on your usual driving habits and road conditions. If you often drive on bumpy or pothole-prone roads, your shock absorber may be damaged faster. On the contrary, if you usually drive carefully and the road conditions are better, your shock absorber may be more durable.
This method is easy to operate, but there is also a certain error. Because shock absorbers of different brands, models, and qualities have different lifespans. Therefore, this method can only be used as a rough reference and cannot completely determine whether the shock absorber is broken.
Method 3: Braking test
This is a more accurate and safer method. You only need to brake suddenly when driving at a low speed. If you find that the car shakes violently and the human body feels uncomfortable, then it means that there is a problem with the shock absorber. If the car brakes smoothly and there is no obvious vibration and bumps, then it means that the shock absorber is still normal.
This method is easy to operate, but there are also certain risks. Because sudden braking may cause rear-end collisions with the rear car or collisions with other vehicles. Therefore, this method can only be carried out on open, safe, and unmanned roads, and you must pay attention to the surrounding situation to avoid danger.
Method 4: Observation test
This is a more detailed and professional method. You need to remove the car tires and observe the appearance of the shock absorber to see if there are any abnormalities such as oil stains, cracks, and deformations. If there are obvious oil stains (generally more than half of the total length), it means that the shock absorber is short of oil or leaking oil, and it should be replaced. If there are cracks, deformations and other damage, it means that the shock absorber has been severely impacted or worn, and it should also be replaced.
This method is easy to operate, but it is also difficult. Because the removal and installation of tires require certain tools and techniques, if you are not familiar with the operation, it may cause damage to the tires or shock absorbers. Therefore, this method can only be carried out under conditions and experience, and you must pay attention to safety.
The four methods introduced above to detect whether the shock absorber is broken can be selected according to your actual situation and preferences. Of course, if you are not confident in your judgment, or don’t want to bother yourself, you can also go directly to the auto repair shop and ask a professional technician to check and replace the shock absorber. This saves time and effort, and is reliable.


Aaron Almaraz

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