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Post: Tips and Tricks to Make Long Summer Drives More Comfortable

Whenever we go anywhere, the temptation is to fill the car with as much stuff as it will hold. This can make it uncomfortable for passengers who find themselves squashed in the back with next to no leg room. Hanging a fabric shoe rack over the back of the front seats can provide a great set of pockets so that the kids don’t lose their toys in the back. Stringing a net from the handles in the roof can also provide a great place to store light but bulky items so that they don’t get in the way.

Not all cars have enough cup holders for all of their passengers. It’s important to stay hydrated in the summer heat, but you might not want to keep taking long stops to allow people to finish their drinks before they get back in the car. Using a muffin tray propped up inside a suitcase or a laundry basket can be a brilliant way to get around this. Alternatively, if you only find yourself a couple of cup holders short, using a couple of trainers on the floor of the car could also work very well.


Aaron Almaraz

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