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Post: What are the causes of mine wheel wheel wear?

  1. Curves in the track
    At the bend, in order to avoid the two axles of the mine car into the bend, the rim of the wheel squeezes the rail, causing greater driving resistance, and even the vehicle can not proceed and fall off the track. In the bend, the gauge must be widened, that is, the outer rail does not move, and the inner rail moves a certain distance to the center of curvature. At the same time, in order to avoid the action of the heart force, the wheel rim squeeges the outer rail to increase the driving resistance, aggravate the wear of the wheel rim and the rail, and even cause rollouts. The outer rail at the bend needs to be raised, and the combined force of centrifugal force and gravity of the mine car can be perpendicular to the rail surface. The resultant force of centrifugal force and gravity of the mine car outside the curve cannot be perpendicular to the rail plane, that is, the centrifugal force always exists. By centrifugal force. After a period of running, the track gauge at the bend has a large negative deviation and positive deviation.
    2, additional load changes
    The box and shaft clamp in the structure of the mining car are rigidly connected into one body. When the mining car is driving on the uneven track, vibration is generated, causing additional impact load, which makes the positive pressure of the mining wheel on the track increase instantaneously, resulting in the increase of the pressure of the rolling body in the bearing ring, resulting in the plastic deformation of the rolling body and the bearing ring, and the premature scrap of the bearing. At the same time, the friction between the mine wheel and the track is increased, resulting in additional wear of the mine car.
    3, the lubrication of mining wheels on bearings
    In the special environment of underground production, after the compression and wear of the inner sealing ring of the wheel, water and dust are easy to enter, resulting in the saponification of grease or the loss of grease, poor lubrication, which will reduce the transmission efficiency. When the mining wheel rotates, the hidden blocking phenomenon will occur, and the wear of the mining wheel will be aggravated.

Aaron Almaraz

Felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo. Consequat semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet siе

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